Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Present Continuous Tense (-ing tense)

Present continuous tense describes actions that are going on right now. They are the –ing tenses, such as “going”, “talking”, “travelling”, “painting”, “studying” etc. The present continuous tense is made out of a verb stem (a verb without –na ending), rahaa/rahee/rahe and an auxiliary verb hoon/hai/hain. For example:

(infinitive with ending“-naa”)
(verb stem without“-naa”)
(word that gives the continuous’ sense)
(auxiliary verb for 1st person)

Present continuous tense conjugation chart:

मैं जा रहा हूँ
main jaa rahaa hoon
I am going
मैं जा रही हूँ
main jaa rahee hoon
I am going.
आप जा रहे हैं
aap jaa rahe hain
You are going (polite)
आप जा रही हैं
aap jaa rahee hain
You are going (polite)
तुम जा रहे हो
tum jaa rahe ho
You are going (friendly)
तुम जा रही हो
tum jaa rahee ho
You are going (friendly)
तू जा रहा है
too jaa rahaa hai
You are going (very informal)
तू जा रही है
too jaa rahee hai
You are going (very informal)
यह/वह जा रहा है
yah/vah jaa rahaa hai
He is going.
यह/वह जा रही है
yah/vah jaa rahee hai
She is going.

हम जा रहेँ हैं
ham jaa rahe hain
We are going.
हम जा रहे हैं
ham jaa rahe hain
We are going.
आप जा रहे हैं
aap jaa rahe hain
You are going (polite)
आप जा रही हैं
aao jaa rahee hain
You are going (polite)
तुम जा रहे हो
tum jaa rahe ho
You are going (friendly)
तुम जा रही हो
tum jaa rahee ho
You are going (friendly)
ये/वे जा रहे हैं
ye/ve jaa rahe hain
They are going.
ये/वे जा रही हैं
ye/ve jaa rahee hain
They are going.

Some examples:

आप अभी क्या कर रहे हैं?
aap abhee kyaa kar rahe hain
What are you doing now?
मैं कुछ नहीं कर रहा हूँ.
main kuchh naheen kar rahaa hoon
I am doing nothing.
मैं बस टीवी देख रहा हूँ.
main bas Teevee dekh rahaa hoon
I am only watching TV.
चलो ठीक है, मैं जा रही हूँ.
chalo Theek hai, main jaa rahee hoon
OK, I am going (f).


क्या आप मंदिर नहीं जा रहे हैं?
kyaa aap mandir naheen jaa rahe hain
Are you not going to the temple?
यह गाड़ी नही चल रही है.
yah gaaDee nahee chal rahee hai
This car is not working.
मैं ऐसे नहीं सोच रहा हूँ.
main aise naheen soch rahaa hoon
I am not thinking like that.
मैं अभी घर नहीं जा रही हूँ.
main abhee ghar naheen jaa rahee hoon
I am not going home right now (f).

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