
Sunday, March 17, 2013

Where are You From?

Today we’re going to learn how to ask ‘Where are You From?’ in Hindi and of course we’ll learn how to reply! This is yet another great phrase to use when you first meet someone to get to know them! So are you ready to get straight into it? I’ll introduce you to the phrase first and then we’ll learn all about it! The phrase we’re going to use is…

आप कहाँ से हैं? aap kahaan se hain - Where are you from?
Say it again, and again. Practice makes perfect! Now can you recognise any of these words here? Let’s go through them one by one, are you ready?
You should be very familiar with आप aap - you, and हैं hain - are by now, we’ve seen them loads! Now the word कहाँ kahaan means where. Finally then we have से se, this simply means ‘from’. So literally we are saing ‘you where from are’ - or ‘Where are you from?’. This phrase is the same for Males and for Females!
But now of course we’re going to want to reply to this so let’s learn how to do that. It’s a lot easier than you think I assure you! We simply say…

मैं ____ से हूँ main ___ se hoon - I am from ____.
Where you obviously replace the blank with the name of the country you are from! We are literally saying ‘I …. from am’! This phrase is the same for both Males and Females. So are you ready to learn the names of some countries in Hindi? Great! Most country names are very similar to the names we are used to from English, but a few of them (including the most important India!) are different! So here goes…
भारत bhaarat - India
पाकिस्तान paakistaan - Pakistan
अमेरिका amerikaa - America
इंग्लैंड inglaind - England
चीन ceen - China
So for example, say you were from America then you would say…
मैं अमेरिका से हूँ main amerikaa se hoon - I am from America
Or if there was a group of you from India you might say…
हम भारत से हैं ham bhaarat se hain - We are from India
Can you see our phrase has changed slightly in the last example? That’s because we are saying ‘We are from India’ and not ‘I am from India’. Don’t worry if you’re a little confused!
So why not leave a comment below and tell me where you are from and then ask the question for the next person to reply to! If I haven’t covered the name of your country in the lesson then please feel free to ask me in a comment! Be sure to keep practicing each new phrase you learn!

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