

ASKING THE TIME In Hindi, there are so many ways to ask the time..

क्या बजा हैं ?
kya bajaa hain ?

क्या बज गया ?
kya baj gaya ?

क्या समय हो गया ?
kya samay ho gaya ?

कितने बजे हैं ?
kitne baje hain ?

कितने बज गए ?
kitne baj gaye ?

All of these mean "What time is it?"

Since there is no equivalent of AM or PM in Hindi we have to mention the time of the day along with the specific clock time. For example if we have to say 3 AM, the Hindi equivalent will be रात के/में तीन बजे which literally means 3 o'clock of/in night.

There are two exceptions to the Half past. Half past one (1:30) is डेढ (ḍēḍha) and half past 2 (2:30) is ढाई (ḍhāī)

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